5 Top Tricky Yet Effective Link Building Tactics for 2017

In this post Penguin and Panda world, you would have heard again and again the quality is backlinks are more important than the quantity. It is true in some cases, because the type of inbound links that you were thinking it is safe for your website have been faded away.

Though building inbound links are essential, which can have the potential to put up in first page of the search engine results, you must know the ways that are currently working well to build quality links. Sometimes your link building tactics improve your page’s ranking to a certain extent but fails to reach the top elusive on the first page. Here are a few effective link building tactics that you should start following in 2014!


Image Source: Pixabay

Building Connections to your Brand

As a brand, one must provide quality information (content) to the public through various forms especially when the business is online based platform. But the digital world is always over ruled by the giants named search engines with some complex algorithms. There is no wonder that these search engines loves fresh and unique content.

This is somewhat easier as many businesses have limited their outreach and communications with audience to exploit or popularize their products as a brand! Building relationships is the first key concept to building brand. But the very huge doubt is how!

It is very tricky yet effective! It is nothing but building relationships with the authors and bloggers of your niche and getting involved with them in discussing your steps to build your brand. Develop healthy relationships with mighty bloggers in the form of mentions in your content, comments, business networks, appreciations, etc. Small business or startups who always suffer from low network connections with less visibility can make use of this tactic to build their brand!

Updating an Outdated Content

Another tactic is to use deleted, obsolete content that are orphaned. Sometimes this content can turn to goldmine when you upgrade it to the newer version. Giving it a new tweak with minor updates can make it lively. Some simple ways to refresh old forgotten content are:

  • Searching for some outdated content on high quality websites that matches your niche topic. Reach those bloggers or owners and if he would be interested in your new content that you offer for their visitors. Share your updated content with quality backlinks.
  • Make sure you choose the old page that has high rank and popularity.
  • Give proper credits. Invest good content by providing necessary compliments.
  • Refreshing the orphaned documents is another cool technique that can earn good quality links.

Making Infographics, the picture of Future

Research says Images along with texts can boost your traffic by 10% or more. Images are the first thing that human brains register very quickly. Infographics are the best way of popularizing brand in the current world. The data inside the images must be short and sweet with clearly readable content with some attributes bold, flat design and colorful backgrounds that can drive huge traffic.

Another important thing when you consider infographic is the data. They are the crucial elements of content curation marketing in the present scenario. You can avail them from any internet resource or information hubs. When you have compelling content built with innovative graphics that drives huge visitors, you can seek some bloggers with request to post your infographic with their link back.

Guest Posting, still alive

There may be a millions of blogs or sites that occupy unwanted space in the internet hub. But the fact is there are few thousands of websites that have turned out to be a resource spot for niche topics. Scan the web for such quality blogs and exactly those that could credit your company’s goals. Slot down their names in hierarchical order in excel that will be helpful in managing your data. Request your query to the admins of those blogs and ask for guest post submissions.

Make sure to check the website’s Page Rank, backlinks, authority, trust worthiness, etc before doing it. In order get your content approved, try hiring experienced writers to submit your content and satisfy the website owner for earning a sure backlink in return.

Social, the new SEO

Over the past few years, the influence of social networking sites like Facebook, Google plus, Twitter, Pinterest, etc has been the people’s search and almost everyone are getting engaged on it. The social search is getting more critical day by day and in few days it will be getting embraced as strategic search engine optimization tactics.

So social media should be the new focus for every SEO or those who feel they need ultimate online presence and build authority over web.

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About Author
Sarah is Tech blogger. She contributes to the Blogging, Gadgets, Social Media and Tech News section on TechnoMagzine.
